
Region Summary
Clubs Regattas Members Prospects M Boats P Boats
28 10 284 800 729 431

Region 1 Director
Name: Glenn  Chalder
Address: 70 County Road
City/St/Zip: Simsbury, CT 06070
Phone: 860 913-4080
Email Region 1 Director


Region 1 covers:
-- The north-east United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York (upstate of I-84), and
-- Eastern Canada (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, and eastern Ontario (east of Kitchener).

Some interesting tidbits about Region1:
-- The AMYA Marblehead class was developed and derived its name from that famous town in Massachusetts. People were vane sailing on Redd's Pond many years ago!
--It has been said that the first known radio control of a model sailboat (worldwide) was accomplished by an MIT electronics graduate student.
-- The Mini-America's Cup for EC-12s was sailed at Fort Adams in Newport RI for many years
-- Part of our history includes the introduction of the Soling One Meter to AMYA in 1993 and then the first ARF ("almost ready to float") class the CR-914, in 1994.
-- Stowe Yacht Club in Vermont has hosted the Can-Am Regatta (an international rivalry!) for many years.

BOAT CLASSES - Today, the boats sailed at the most clubs include the Soling One Meter, the DF-95, the US One Meter, the CR-914, and the East Coast 12 Meter (EC-12) but other classes are sailed as well. Check out the list of boat class by region to see what's popular.

CLUBS - Be sure to contact your nearest club and find out what classes they sail. Most clubs have web pages that will help you learn what is sailed in your area and when they get together. AMYA Members are friendly people and have been known to let you ask questions and even try their boats! If you find that your area does not have a club, contact me and I can guide you through the process of starting a new club. It is not that hard!!.

REGATTAS / RACES - Be sure to check Club web page for events they offer but also be sure to check out the AMYA Regatta Schedule page for more information about regattas and races in Region 1 and other nearby regions.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you might have. Send me an invitation to a local event and we can get together to talk about model yachting!

The AMYA is working hard to support you and the hobby/sport of model yachting.