10 Rater - Developmental Clubs 4 Members 40 Boats 53
The Ten Rater is a medium-sized yacht with a reputation for speed. This development class is restricted by a simple formula of waterline length multiplied by sail area, multiplied by eight, to equal ten or less. As there are few restrictions, the class allows the greatest freedom for development and experimentation.
60-65" long.
Class Website*
36/600 - Developmental Clubs 4 Members 34 Boats 82
The 36/600 has an appearance similar to the Marblehead yachts. This development class is restricted in overall length and sail area. While these yachts are commercially available, their simplicity also makes them a good choice for beginning builders. 36" long, 600 sq. inches sail area.
Class Website
American Marblehead - Developmental Clubs 3 Members 29 Boats 48
Also called "M" or "50/800". The Marblehead is a medium-sized yacht providing exciting performance and the ability to handle most sailing conditions if rigged properly. This development class is restricted in overall length and sail area. The Marblehead was considered the leader in the use of advanced construction materials and techniques. 50" long, 800 sq. inches sail area.
Class Website*
Canterbury J - One Design Clubs 2 Members 37 Boats 55
The Canterbury J originated in Christchurch, New Zealand, based on the J Class Ranger. A 48 inch Fiberglass hull and lead Keel both made from Class molds. Everything else can be made by the builder. Total weight of ready to sail boat is 14lbs 5oz.
Class Website*
Columbia 42 - One Design Clubs 2 Members 21 Boats 35
The Columbia 42 is a semi-scale 12 meter model of the Sparkman and Steven's designed winner of the America's Cup. This boat was generally accepted as the best sailing of the 12's and also the best looking boat on the water.
Class Website
CR 914 - One Design Clubs 15 Members 94 Boats 194
The CR 914 is based on the original design of the International America's Cup Class.This one design class allows no variations in hulls, spars, sails or replacement parts. 36" (914mm) long, 658 sq. in. sail area, 6.25 lb displacement.
Class Website
DragonFlite 95 - One Design Clubs 102 Members 782 Boats 1462
The DragonFlite 95 is a Restricted One Design boat that is meant to compete within a strict set of rules to ensure a true test of a skipper.s ability to tune their boat and race it well.
Class Website
DragonForce 65 - One Design Clubs 54 Members 322 Boats 503
The DragonForce 65 is the fastest growing class of RC sailboats in the U.S. The boat has earned this distinction by being a great one-design sailing boat while being the least expensive ready-to-sail boat on the market. At around $300 for a boat with radio and receiver and about 2 hours of assembly and you're on the water.
Class Website
EC-12 - One Design Clubs 45 Members 250 Boats 577
Based on a 1962-63 vintage design for a full-size International 12 Meter. This medium-sized yacht's hull must be initially purchased from a licensed builder. Decks and sails are strictly controlled, purchased or made from scratch. Almost all other equipment is up to the owner. Approx 58" long.
Class Website
Fairwind - One Design Clubs 2 Members 8 Boats 37
One Design Class sanctioned in 2002. The Fairwind is built by One Manufacturer. The Kyosho Fairwind are 36" (900mm) long replicas of International Offshore Racing (IOR) yachts with cabins.
Class Website*
Footy - Developmental Clubs 5 Members 49 Boats 118
Sanctioned in 2006. Low cost, fun, easy to build class that puts to rest the theory that boats under 30" long don't sail well.
12" long (thus "Footy") is the smallest of the development class yachts.
Class Website
Infinity 54 - One Design Clubs 3 Members 28 Boats 39
The Infinity 54 is an original design expressly for model yacht racing. This one design class allows no variations in either original assembly or replacement parts.
54" long.
Class Website*
IOM - One Design Clubs 34 Members 178 Boats 303
Sanctioned in 1998. The International One Metre is the fastest growing class in the world. The rules in this class are identical to those used throughout the globe. The class has a one-design rig and weight minimums, but the hull design is very much developmental. One meter long, with a sail area as large as a Marblehead. 39.37" long (One meter)
Class Website
J Class - One Design Clubs 4 Members 68 Boats 152
The J class yachts are 1/16 scale versions of the original 1930's J-boats only, making it the largest of all the RC yachts. These classic yachts recreate the style of yachting's Golden Era, on a grand but affordable scale.
Approx. 85-95" long. The largest class in the AMYA, the "J" boat
Class Website
Marblehead - Developmental Clubs 11 Members 89 Boats 224
The Marblehead (or simply "M") is a 50 inch long yacht providing exciting performance and the ability to handle most sailing conditions if rigged properly. This development class is restricted in overall length and sail area. It has spawned two sub-classes, the "American Marblehead" and the "Classic Marblehead". The Marblehead is considered the leader in the use of advanced construction materials and techniques. 50" long, 800 sq. inches sail area.
Class Website*
Micro Magic - One Design Clubs 15 Members 122 Boats 255
One of the most popular model yachts in the world, the Graupner Micro Magic was designed for racing. Its performance is all out of proportion to its small size. The class is managed by a Class Owners Association that is part of the International Micro Magic Class. 53.5 cm long.
Class Website
Newport 12 Meter - One Design Clubs 2 Members 21 Boats 34
The Newport 12 Meter is a 1/12 scale model of a typical full-size 12 Meter. Hulls/kits are available from McClung's Enterprises and is 72" long.
Class Website*
ODOM - One Design Clubs 14 Members 116 Boats 210
One Design Sanctioned in 1995. Also called "One Design One Meter". The ODOM is based on a U.S. One Meter design. This small-sized yacht's kit must be initially purchased from the manufacturer. Sails are strictly controlled, but may be purchased or made from scratch. This one design class allows no variations. The class is managed by a class association.
39.37" long.
Class Website*
Open - Developmental Clubs 7 Members 29 Boats 44
This is where boats that don't fit in other classes register and track their growth on the way to full-fledged class status. It is also where innovation and experimentation are encouraged and permitted.
Class Website*
RC Laser - One Design Clubs 30 Members 213 Boats 464
Sanctioned in 1997. Out of the box, Ready-to-Sail scale model of Laser.
41.75" long.
Class Website
RG-65 - Developmental Clubs 14 Members 89 Boats 204
The RG-65 is an International development class with a 30 year history. The class rules limit only the length of the hull (65 cm), the height of the rig (110 cm) and the sail area (2250 square centimeters) 650mm long.
Class Website
Santa Barbara - One Design Clubs 7 Members 95 Boats 157
The Santa Barbara is an original design expressly for model yacht racing with the classic lines of a full-size yacht. This large-sized yacht's hull and keel must be initially purchased from the manufacturer. Decks and sails are strictly controlled, but may be purchased or made from scratch. Almost all other equipment is up to the owner.
70" long.
Class Website*
SeaWind - One Design Clubs 14 Members 130 Boats 282
One Design Class sanctioned in April 2003. The Seawind is built by One Manufacturer, and sold through many outlets. The Kyosho Seawind, Seawind SE, and Carbon Seawind model yachts are meter- long replicas of a late 1990's early 2000's America's Cup yacht.
39.37 inches (One Meter) long
Class Website*
Soling 1 Meter - One Design Clubs 64 Members 449 Boats 1286
Sanctioned in 1993. The Soling 1 Meter is based on the full-size 27' Olympic Soling.
Soling 1 Meter Class Specifications: 39.37" (1 meter) long, 8-5/8" beam, approx. 60" bottom keel to tip of mast. Displacement 10 lbs. min. Features: Performance; Single rig allowed means lower total cost; One Design for equality of boats; Kit-Based, kits Available from two manufacturers; Wide distribution of local clubs in all AMYA Regions.
Class Website*
Soling 50 - One Design Clubs 9 Members 35 Boats 54
The Soling 50 is based on the full-size Olympic Soling. This medium-sized yacht's hull must be initially purchased from a manufacturer (See Class Page). Decks, keels, rigging, spars and sails are strictly controlled, but may be purchased or made from scratch. Almost all other equipment is up to the owner. 50" long.
Class Website*
Star 45 - One Design Clubs 15 Members 115 Boats 214
Based on the full-sized Star Class of Olympic and International fame. Builders are allowed variability in materials but dimensions are closely controlled. 45" long.
Class Website
T-37 - One Design Clubs 6 Members 29 Boats 94
The T-37 is a 37 inch RC sailboat with 635.5 square inches of sail area. The hull is built of 1/8 inch mahogany plywood assembled with epoxy for a light, strong composite boat. Most T37s are built from the kit by the owners although the T37 is also available ready to sail.
Class Website*
US 12 - One Design Clubs 7 Members 49 Boats 119
The US12 class is a beautiful full keel, spoon bow yacht of the old America's Cup 12 meter design. She is 46 inches in length with a 16 pound minimum weight, carries a rig of 714 sq. inches of sail area, with a 55 inch hoist. Her "B" rig is 600 sq. inches.
Class Website*
US One Meter - Developmental Clubs 16 Members 131 Boats 308
The U.S. One Meter is a small-sized development class yacht, with an appearance similar to the International One Metre yachts. This development class is restricted in overall length, sail area and several other minor measurements. The U.S. One Meter is surprisingly fast and seaworthy for its size. 39.37" long, 600 sq. inches of measured sail area with about 50 sq inches of "free area".
Class Website
V-32 One - One Design Clubs 3 Members 26 Boats 65
Sanctioned in 2000. The 32 inch Victor Model Products V-32 Low-cost, Ready to Sail boat or kit.
32" long, 450 sq in sail area, 6.2 lbs+ displacement.
Class Website
Victoria - One Design Clubs 35 Members 177 Boats 461
Sanctioned in 1997. Low cost, ARS kit from Thunder Tiger modeled after the America's Cup yachts from the 1990's.
30.7" long, 433 sq in sail area, 4.5 lbs displacement.
Class Website*
Vintage - Both Clubs 5 Members 39 Boats 74
Our organizational goals are the preservation, building, and sailing/racing of older model yacht designs, and the study of the history of the sport of model yachting. These encompass free-sailing model yachts, older designs converted to R/C and pre-1970s R/C sailing models. There are over 450 boats registered across six classes. At the 2022 National Regatta 75 boats raced in five classes with some restored yachts approaching 100 years old.
Class Website
Wheeler - One Design Clubs 4 Members 20 Boats 29
One Design Sanctioned in 1997. Large one-design modeled after full-size "Maxi" boats. 2000 sq. in. of sail, 30 pounds displacement and is 79" long.
Class Website*