AMYA Membership Form
This application is for (circle one):   New Membership   Renewal
     If renewal, please enter your membership number, if known: _________
Contact Information:Please enter your contact information.This information will never be sold for commercial purposes.
Name ___________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City __________________________________________ State _______ Zip/Postalcode __________
Country: ___________________
Telephone ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
E-Mail ____________________________________________
If you wish to have the magazine delivered to a different address at different times of the year, please fill out this additional address section along with active dates. If this information is not available presently, you may always contact the Membership Secretary at a later time.
      Member maintaining an alternate snow bird address must pay first class option.
         Start Date (mm/dd) _________    End Date (mm/dd) _________
Address ______________________________________
City _____________________ State _______ Zip/Postalcode __________
Country: ___________________
Membership: Membership in the AMYA is open to anyone who shares the goals of the organization.
Adult membership includes a subscription of Model Yachting, the association's official periodical newsletter, eligibility for registration in AMYA classes, eligibility for entry into AMYA championship events, one vote in the affairs of the organization and classes, and other benefits.
Junior membership is available to applicant under 19 years of age, but is otherwise identical to an Adult membership.
Family membership provides a single Adult membership and eligibility in AMYA championship events for all family members in the same household.
ADULT     $50.00
FAMILY     $52.50
JUNIOR Birth Date ___/___/___   $32.50
      TOTAL MEMBERSHIP      ________________
Postage: Members residing in the United States may optionally select first class mailing of ModelYachting.
   Member maintaining an alternate snow bird address must pay first class option.
     USA First Class Option   Must include $10.00     TOTAL WITH POSTAGE __________
   Member residing outside the US must include an additional fee to cover the costs of mailing.
     Canada     Must include $15.00
     All Other Countries Must  include $15.00  TOTAL WITH POSTAGE ________
You may renew by phone or email with a credit card. For checks and money orders (please, NO CASH!), fill out this form and return it with your funds (payable to "AMYA") to the Membership Secretary. All funds must be in US Dollars drawn on a US bank.
Credit Card Info   Please circle one: AMEX  DISCOVER  MASTERCARD  VISA
Number _______  _______  _______  _______  Expiration  ____ ____  CVC_____
                       Last 3 digits on Back of Card
Important: If Credit Card Billing Address differs from above, enter billing address below
Address _________________________  City _________________________ State _______ Zip/Postalcode __________
Club Information: If you are a member of an AMYA club, please enter its name/number here
   ClubNumber:  __________ ClubName:  ________________________________________
Send Completed form to:  AMYAMembership Secretary
      Michelle Dannenhoffer
      P.O. Box 360374
      Melbourne, FL 32936
      888-237-9524 Toll Free